Let’s gather together as a generation, and raise our champagne glasses in a toast to Cher, as she turns 70-years old today.

We’ve been listening to her since “I Got You Babe,” which came out in Aug., 1969—51 years ago.

In 1989 Cher was 43 years old and in her prime.  She was all over radio and MTV with “If I Could Turn Back Time” –-remember her on the Navy ship, wearing that see-thru, sheer outfit? That was 27 years ago, and she was just as racy and outrageous then as the Kardashians are today. That video was actually censored by some TV stations at the time.

Why we love Cher:
She’s won Grammys for her singing, an Academy Award for Best Actress (for “Moonstruck,” one of my all time personal faves,) and armloads of Emmys for her TV series and specials –the ones where she wore those fabulous Bob Mackie gowns.

Ignore that she now wears wigs a lot, and forgive her for what she’s done to her face, and that she’s already had numerous “Final, Farewell” tours.”

While she’s not your traditional role model—i.e. that see-thru, sheer outfit, plus her notorious potty mouth, she is a role model anyway: a tough, talented, in-your-face woman who’s been putting one foot in front of the other for a very long time, much of it alone.

She’s a role model for those early Boomers who are, or soon will be, (gasp!) 70-years old.  She contributes and she’s engaged.

Cher turning 70 is similar to when feminist icon Gloria Steinem turned 40.  She was so chic and stunning—all that hair—she famously said, “this is what 40 looks like.” That’s from back when we thought 40 was really old.

Maybe Cher is what 70 is like.  Granted, she’s rich, talented and famous, but still, maybe she’s blazing the way for the next 18 years, as tens of thousands of Boomers start turning 70-years old …Every. Single. Day.

Cher: we raise our glass to you!