What a great line: “Life’s too short to last long.” That’s from “Bored to Death” by Blink 182—a sentiment that is most likely interpreted differently by Boomers than it is by the Millennials and Gen Xer’s who are Blink 182 fans.
Other “Bored To Death” lyrics, are great, too—here’ a guy approaching a girl:
So let me buy you a drink and we’ll pretend that you think
That I’m the man of your dreams come to life in a dive bar
There’s an echo pulling out the meaning
Rescuing a nightmare from a dream
The voices in my head are always screaming
That none of this means anything to me
These are “Boomer-worthy” lyrics, meaning they are as good as the songs of OUR generation, that golden age of rock, from Album to Top 40, when lyrics were modern poetry, “deep” and artistic.
British band “The Cure, led by Boomer Robert Smith, hit it big in 1987 with “Just Like Heaven,” a song with less intensity and a lighter touch than “Bored To Death” but one that shares instrumentally and sonically with the Blink 182 track.
Blink 182, whose biggest Top 40 hit was 1999’s “All The Small Things,” has been together nearly 25 years, and just this month delivered their 7th album –“California.”
***Curator’s note: the most famous guy in Blink is their drummer, Travis Barker, who made big news in 2008, when the plane he was in crash landed.