Is it even possible that the NBC-TV programmers who green-lightred Star Trek 50 years ago could have envisioned that their (then) newest, groundbreaking show would become a cult classic, spawning generations of “Trekkies,” and a string of movie blockbusters?

The 13th movie epic, “Star Trek Beyond” hits this Friday and it’s not just movie goers who will be hearing the film’s opening song, “Sledgehammer,” by Rihanna, because its already top15 on Adult Contemporary radio, so it’s likely that many in the audience will have already already heard it, which could be a first, because the Star Trek franchise doesn’t traditionally include an important theme song, unlike, say the James Bond movies, where the audience expects over the top opening credits, with a big, ballsy theme song

BTW, this “Sledgehammer” has no connection at all to the song of the same name, sung by Peter Gabriel, 30 year ago.

The mood of THIS ”Sledgehammer” recalls the theme song to the 1995 James Bond film “Golden Eye” sung by Tina Turner, who belted out mesmerizing, tantalizing vocals, pulling the viewer into the fantasy world of 007. Rihanna does the same here: big voice, lots of passion, luring the listener into the space adventure to come.