What makes a “real” rock n’ roll song? E-N-E-R-G-Y.
Bruce Springsteen comes to mind, and while Kings of Leon may not be as intense as “The Boss,” they still pound it out, thus qualifying as authentic rock and rollers.
The lyrics to their newest, “Waste A Moment,” are not very literal, just snippitts of thoughts and feelings, and some hip references, for example, does everybody know that WeHo is West Hollywood, or only people who live in the L.A. area?
While listening I was reminded that Kim Gordon, lead singer for the band Sonic Youth, described in her memoir that sometimes the band cut up words, put them in a bowl, picked some out of the bowl at random, and those words became song lyrics.
The verses in “Waste A Moment” are abstract but understandable, however the chorus is a mystery to me:
Oh, take the time to waste a moment
Oh, facing where the lines are broken
Oh, name your price to all this living
Oh, never ask to be forgiven
Rock ‘n Roll is about energy and emotion, not logic or sense, so if you like “real” rock and roll, you’ll probably like “Waste a Moment.”
• Kings of Leon formed in 2000. Three brothers and a cousin.
• The group has 12 Grammy Award nominations, including 4 wins.
• From Nashville. The band’s early music was a blend of Southern rock and blues but has gradually expanded to include a variety of genres.