“Faith,” brilliantly performed by Stevie Wonder and Ariana Grande, from “Sing,” a standout, animated and fun filled holiday movie, a case of art imitating art and ostensibly for kids, is so good it’s up for a Golden Globe this Sunday night for “Best Original Song.”
The film’s storyline is a singing contest; the twist is that all the contestants and characters are animals: charming, scary, slobby, adorable pigs and crocodiles and gorillas, all singing covers that range from Taylor Swifts “Shake It Off’ to The Beatles “Golden Slumbers” to the Irving Berlin standard “Let’s Face The Music And Dance. That kind of charm and wide appeal makes this ideal for multi-generational movie going. BTW, the movie is also nominated for a Golden Globe, for best-animated movie.
“Faith” is an original song, co-written and co-produced by Ryan Tedder of One Republic.
“Sing” is from hot animation studio Illumination Entertainment, creator of “Despicable Me” Parts 1 and 2, and the Minions.