“American Pie” by Don McLean is so special many of us remember the moment in 1971 when we first heard it.
It spoke to us Boomers as if it was an anthem; channeling our collective experience, expressing the feelings of a whole generation in a ballad that made music history, and became one of the biggest hits of all time.
And now, it’s being “inducted” into The Library of Congress’s National Recording Registry, as a song that’s “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” joining other 2017 nominees “Over the Rainbow,” the album “Straight Outta Compton” by N.W.A. and The Eagles “Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975.”
On a personal note– the song still packs a punch. I got emotional.
Hahaha When asked the meaning of “American Pie,” one of his stock answers is “it means I don’t have to work anymore.”
What is Don McLean up to? He’s 71-years old. Lives in Maine. Has two children. He still performs and tours. Between 2012 and 2015 he sang in North America, Australia, and did two UK/European tours.