I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth—and, no doubt about it, a new Bruno Mars release is a welcome gift…but… his newest, “Versace On The Floor” as in…

Ooh, I love that dress,
but you won’t need it anymore

is different than his previous high energy, hippest-guy-in-the room oeuvre of songs, rather,  “Versace On The Floor” slows it down and dims the lights for a hot n’ heavy slow jam reminiscent of Gregory Abbott’s simmering “Shake It Down” (1986), and while both songs are dreamy examples of seduction, and while both men are suave, Gregory Abbott presents a more traditionally masculine persona, as was the style for men in the 80’s.  Bruno Mars is also suave and he’s also a bit androgynous, as men in general are today i.e. less Keith Richards, more Jerry Seinfeld.  Also, Abbott, like  other classic 80s R&B heart throbs,  has that Teddy Pendergrass sound and Bruno Mars sings in a higher pitch.

As a Boomer, I notice the difference, minor as it is.  That said, there’s always room for a new song of seduction.

Let’s take our time tonight, girl
Above us all the stars are watchin’
There’s no place I’d rather be in this world
Your eyes are where I’m lost in
Ooh, I love that dress, but you won’t need it anymore

“Versace On The Floor” is #23 on both Top 40 and Adult Top 40 charts.