In 1967, the Summer of Love, it was impossible to turn on the radio and NOT hear the “59th Street Bridge Song (“Feelin’ Groovy)” performed by pop group Harpers Bizarre, whose lead singer, Dick Scoppettone, currently hosts a funky pod-cast called “America’s Oldies But Goodies –The Talk Show:  Interviews With Icons of The Swingin’ ‘60s & 70s” and if you are an aficionado of any sort related to that generation, or if you just want to listen to some rambling, wide ranging and very personal interviews with influential personalities from that era, ranging from Burt Ward (Robin from “Batman”)  to artists (Connie Francis, Rick Derringer, Freda Payne) to talks with behind the scenes record reps and radio stars,  than this podcast, which is not scripted, professional or polished in any way, is for you.

And speaking of “radio stars” Mr. Scoppettone recently interviewed BoomerMusicUpdate’s Curator Dave Sholin–their talk spans Sholin’s early career in radio and his reputation as the man who could “pick the hits” to his transition to record company executive.

Sholin’s a master storyteller, and he shares some music business insider information and insights.

Here’s the link to America’s Oldies But Goodies Talk Show