Rock n’ roll, thy name is INTENSITY: primal, but cleaned up enough to take out in public: The Stones, early Elvis, Bruce Springsteen—if “Born to Run” energizes you than check out “Run for Cover” by the Killers; both songs embrace big, bold, thunderous notes– the kind that delivers the chills.
“Run for Cover” is a “power-packed-production” about an abused wife “running for cover,” very different than what Bruce Springsteen was doing while he was making his run, but rock n’ roll is more about feelings than the details, so whatever the story line—it’s the song’s intensity that both grabs and gratifies.
What have you gathered to report to your progenitors?
Are your excuses any better than your senator’s?
He held a conference and his wife was standing by his side
He did her dirty but no-one died
*** *** ***
I saw Sonny Liston on the street last night
Black-fisted and strong singing Redemption Song
He motioned me to the sky
I heard heaven and thunder cry
The Killers is one of our favorite groups, a 4-man band from Las Vegas, that we raved about last June
“Run for Cover” is close to top 10 on the alternative and adult alternative formats.