“Sometime you gotta bleed to know

That you’re alive and have a soul”

     Sometimes we Baby Boomers think that it’s only our generation that could create great and meaningful music, but those lines from 21 Pilot’s “Tear in My Heart” is  proof that that is not the case.

The dramatic opening notes of “Tear In My Heart”  (their current hit, on the “Alternative” charts), jolt you with the same “special energy” that you get with the open of “Should I Stay Or Should I Go” by the legendary, great, early punk rockers, the Clash.

You know the moment you hear that intro that you are in good hands, and that what you’ll hear will be  creative, original, risky, a band that won’t waste your time.  Even if you don’t agree, you gotta respect the art.

The theme is young, all consuming love, same as “Should I Stay or Should I Go” only modern. Updated.

Twenty One  Pilots are a duo, which makes their big sound even more remarkable.  They break the rules, blending electric dance with hip hop, and even though I hardly know what that means, I can attest to you that it works.  The proof is in the pudding.  The song is good.


Formed the band in 2009.

From Columbus, Ohio.