The Academy of Country Music Awards show, scheduled for Sunday night, has been postponed until Sept., replaced by a special event, “The Academy of Country Music Presents: Our Country,” a showcase with highlights from past ACM’s, a Kenny Rogers tribute, and various artists sharing thoughts and acoustic performances from their homes. CBS/8 pm ET.
Superstar singer/songwriter Keith Urban, winner of the Academy’s “Entertainer Of The Year” award last year, is nominated again this year for that coveted honor; he was also set to MC the show, and would most likely have performed his latest hit, the brand-new “God Whispered Your Name” a bluesy love-letter described as “introspective” by Rolling Stone magazine.
As expected, “God Whispered Your Name” made an immediate splash on Country radio, was one of the “most played songs” of the week, and is charting at #25.
Thanks for the reminder. Hope CBS will stream the Garth Brooks/Trisha Yearwood acoustic performance they aired earlier this week. Caught the last 15 minutes and enjoyed what I saw.
Bruce..hope you enjoyed both shows and good seeing CBS took your advice and re-aired Garth/Trisha. Thanks for reaching out.