You Have To Hear This Song!

“All Your Favorite Bands” is simple and heartfelt with a hopeful sentiment —that your favorite bands never break up, which is just about the nicest thing you could ever wish for someone you love, if they love music, and have favorite bands. You know how much they would hurt, should that happen.

The presentation is so 60s retro it’s almost a parody, endearingly, it only highlights the good stuff, and in such a delicate, tender way. It’s charming and disarming.

The title alone qualifies as a winner –as far as one-liners go, it’s as good as “you had me at hello.” How often do we get to hear a line that original?

Who would even think of saying that?

This is who:

The children of Lenny Goldsmith, a fellow Boomer and a former rock and roller who did vocals, back in the day, with such bands as The Five Americans (they had the hit “Western Union in the 60’s), Sweathog and Tower Of Power.

Lenny went on to a real estate career in Malibu, raised his two sons with an appreciation for music, and those two sons, Taylor and Griffin, are half of the group Dawes, which sings this song.

Fun stuff: the opening notes might have you flashing on “Let It Be.” And If you watch the video, stay till the very end, the cutest bunch of kids sing the chorus.