Remember when songs like “Peace Train” by Cat Stevens (1971)) were not quaint, but, rather, were a legitimate position in the political and social narrative of the time?
In 1971, the Vietnam war was raging. We were a divided nation. Stevens’ song was an appeal for unity, as is “Two High” by Moon Taxi, a very modern, hip, rah-rah song with the same message–unity–debuting in, once again, a divided nation.
According to Trevor Terndrup, the band’s lead singer and guitarist, “Two High” is a “song about hope. Hope for understanding, hope for acceptance and hope for our future.”
We can come together/Don’t give up the fight
We can walk together with our hands up in the sky
“Two High” is rhythmic–a melodic, calming chant—easy to listen to.
Moon Taxi is a 5-man indie-alternative rock band based in Nashville, but they aren’t Country.
Twelve years ago they were college students; today have a number #1 song. Hope springs eternal.