“Everybody Wants To Be Famous” by Superorganism is ear candy: a cute, upbeat, and bouncy hit that has the throwback sound and feel of 1982’s one hit wonder by The Waitresses, “I Know What Boys Like.”*
Indie band Superorganism is a cultural melting pot, and includes singers from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, England and South Korea; also remarkable, are the eight-band member’s ages, which range from 17 to 32.
Both the lyrics and video for “Everybody Wants To Be Famous” are too clever by half:
Everybody wants and nobody’s ashamed
Everybody wants you to know their name
Everybody wants and nobody’s ashamed
Everybody wants to be famous
A recent PBS documentary asked the question “Why does music effect us in the way that it does?” That’s a question without an answer, but should you want to lighten up and fluff your aura, than “Everybody Wants To Be Famous” can do that job.
It’s Top 30 on alternative radio.
*“I Know What Boys Like” was featured in several movie soundtracks; Tracy Ullman and covered it in 1984.