“What A Night” is a terrific new, hip song with a sound and rhythm that isn’t what we Boomers grew up with but that’s OK, because throughout the song is the unforgettable hook from “Oh What A Night” the 1975 hit by The Four Seasons, which we did grow up with, so the song is both familiar and new at the same time.
Singer/songwriter/dancer Kat DeLuna takes the lead with back up by rapper Jeremih, and together they are smooth and silky like Lionel Richie or Peaches and Herb’s “Reunited.” “What a Night” is fun, bouncy, upbeat, catchy and danceable.
This mashup is aimed at late teens, 20s, maybe early 30s? It’s likely that, to them, both the song and the Frankie Valli snippets are new, but Boomers remember the original “Oh What a Night” and relate to (the new) “What A Night” from that perspective. The lyrics are still romantic, but in today’s style: cryptic, truncated, code, post-slang. Includes homie and bitch, but in a nice way.
This is a really, really good song that probably won’t reach too many Boomers because most Boomers don’t listen to current Top 40 radio or the songs that Top 40 radio plays.
Both Kat and Jeremih are 28-years old and each has been performing since their teens; they are stars, real pros, a class act.
A good song is a good song and transcends age and generations.