We would be remiss to let this Boomer cultural milestone slip by without proper recognition.  50 years ago this month, (Sept. 12 to be exact) NBC aired the first episode of The Monkees!

Beatles Smeatles! England may have given the world John, Paul, George and Ringo but now America was presenting the world Michael, Peter, Micky and Davy.

Older Boomers might not have been as taken with the show as their younger brothers and sisters– who “got it” instantly–and the ratings proved it.

BTW, none of the band’s members were Boomers–all were born prior to 1946 (the late Davy Jones missing the mark by just two day– birth-date December 30th 1945).

One month prior to the debut of the TV show, “Last Train To Clarksville” was released, and the rest, as they say, is history.