An Ode To The Broken Ones

When a writer describes his song as an “ode to the broken ones” you could logically conclude that the song will be dark, hurtful, and sad. Not. "Broken” by Lovelytheband is chirpy, sweet, upbeat and positive.  Two broken spirits, connecting… I like that you're broken...

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Explosive, Compelling & Gritty

  We love Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats (  ) and his latest, "You Worry Me,” is explosive, compelling and gritty, with roots in early New Orleans soul....

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Rock + Pop + Soul = A Special Sound

  Back in the summer of 1984, if you liked music and listened to the radio, than you probably heard Dan Hartman’s "I Can Dream About You”--its irresistible mix of pop, rock and soul coalesced into a song with enough mass appeal that it became a smash hit. Just...

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“Born To Run” or “Run For Cover?”

Rock n’ roll, thy name is INTENSITY: primal, but cleaned up enough to take out in public: The Stones, early Elvis, Bruce Springsteen—if “Born to Run” energizes you than check out “Run for Cover” by the Killers; both songs embrace big, bold, thunderous notes-- the kind...

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A Hypnotic Stew

The unique style and sound of St. Vincent (born Anne Clark) blends numerous music genres, and on her latest hit they all come together in a hypnotic stew. “Los Ageless”—Los Angeles—is St. Vincent’s love-letter to L.A. that’s gone awry.  She covers the usual tropes:...

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The Beach Boys’ “Wendy” Spawns “Sober Up”….

New York Indy-Pop band AJR (brothers Adam, Jack and Ryan) is crossing over into the Alternative world (top 5 on this week’s chart) with “Sober Up,” their newest.  It’s Very High Energy, and the lyrics are fresh: Won't you help me sober up? Growing up, it made me numb...

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A Reminder To Live In The Now

With the New Year just beginning, it's another sign to be aware of the value of time. Portugal The Man’s latest Alternative hit reminds us to “Live in the Moment”-- it’s mid-tempo, innovative musically, sounds “adult” and has distinctive vocals that are easy to...

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This Song Will Pump You Up!

“Walk The Moon” is an odd name for a band, but then, so is “The Grateful Dead” and “The Beatles”… “One Foot,” by said group, Walk The Moon, is already Top 10 on the Alternative music chart, and is on its way to a full-fledged cross over smash in early 2018, as both...

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